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Why Coaching?


Assuming you were asked this question. What would you attempt if you knew that you were not going to fail ?. Anything and everything is the answer that most people give. Abraham Maslow quipped, "if you plan on being anything less than you are capable of being, you will probably be unhappy all your life". As your coach, l will help you to challenge the inner voice that says, you are going to fail.


Without a well formed desired outcome in life most people end up with an outcome they would rather not have. Andy Stanley remarks, I've concluded that while nobody plan to mess up their life, the problem is that a few of us plan not to". As your coach, l will help you to clarify your desired outcome


When the end comes to whatever challenges you experience in life, it never leave you the same. They move you in one direction or the other. The question is in which direction have you been moved. Most people move backwards instead of forward. As your coach, l will help you to gain new perspectives increasing your chances of profiting from your pain.


 I have observed that there are two major factors that separates those who stand or fall after making a mistake ; how they interpret their mistakes. As you coach, I will help you to deal with your mistakes or failure in a way that makes your experience an asset instead of a liability


" Today is when everything that's going to happen from now on begins. Now that you have decided to

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